What is STL in C++?

Coding C++

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What is STL in C++?

STL basically stands for Standard Template Library, which is a collection of pre-written code frequently used in Data structures and Algorithms. It was developed in the early 1990s by Meng Lee and Alexander Stepanov. 

It consists of mainly three components known as containers, algorithms and iterators. Containers are objects that stores and manipulate data such as list, vector,set, map and stack. Algorithm are functions which works on the data stored in the containers such as searching, sorting and also manipulating data. Iterators are object that navigates through the elements of a container easily. 

STL has became an significant part of competitive programming, also it provides efficient and robust code.  


·         Declare a string and a character you want to remove. Then store them in a variable.  

·         Loop through each character in a string. 

·         Check if the current character matches to the character you want to remove. 

·         Repeat the above two processes until all occurrences of the character are removed. 

·         Print the modified string. 


·         Approach 1: Using remove() and erase() function. 

·         Approach 2: Using remove_if() and erase() function. 

·         Approach 3: Using find() and erase() function. 

There are several approaches to remove all occurrences of a character in a string using STL. 

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